Stakin's Commitment to Information Security: Stepping Up with ISO 27001 Certification

Sep 26, 2023

2 min read

Stakin's Commitment to Information Security: Stepping Up with ISO 27001 Certification

Blockchain technology has created an ecosystem of digital assets, and information security is a key trust factor. As we move forward, it's crucial to protect and honor the trust our partners and clients have in us. With this sentiment, Stakin is excited to announce our commitment to attain ISO 27001 certification, showcasing our relentless dedication to information security.

Why is ISO 27001 Certification Crucial for Stakin?

The ISO 27001 standard isn't just a badge to show off. It represents an extensive and globally recognized standard to establish information security. Being ISO 27001 certified means:

  • A Complete Security Approach: The certification goes beyond basic security measures. It’s about continually nurturing and upgrading our Information Security Management System (ISMS) to reflect the best practices in the industry.
  • Building Trust: Getting this certification shows our strong commitment to safeguarding sensitive data and offering highly reliable staking services. It reiterates our message: our partners' trust is sacred, and we’re equipped to protect it.
  • Commitment to Data Integrity: Our endeavor ensures that every piece of data, be it from our institutional clients or internal processes, remains confidential, with controlled access, and retains its integrity.

What Does This Mean for Our Partners and Clients?

Working towards ISO 27001 isn’t just our goal. We're in this together, ensuring that our collaborators experience:

  • Top-tier Security Procedures: An assurance of superior security and data protection.
  • Robust Risk Management: A proactive approach towards identifying potential risks, ensuring timely and effective mitigation.
  • Being Ready: We're always one step ahead, protecting against new threats in WEB 3.0.
  • Maintaining Regulatory Compliance: Reflecting our commitment to meet and exceed regulatory benchmarks, ensuring our partners operate with complete peace of mind.

Join Us in Our Commitment to Excellence

As we continue with the certification, we're thankful for our community's ongoing support. This is more than a certification—it’s a commitment and duty to the future we envision. We're not just navigating the dynamic world of crypto; together, we're shaping it with responsibility, confidence, and firm integrity.

About Stakin

Stakin is an infrastructure operator for Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchains offering secure, reliable, and non-custodial staking services. The company enables cryptocurrency holders to earn interest on their assets and take part in decentralized governance while remaining in possession of their own cryptocurrencies.

Stakin serves institutional crypto players, foundations, custodians, exchanges as well as a large community of individual token holders. Driven by demand from institutional customers and the community, Stakin provides services for a wide range of networks including leading ecosystems such as Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana, Near, Polygon, Polkadot, Aptos, Sui, and more.

For more information about Stakin, visit the Website, Twitter, Blog, or join the Telegram community.

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