Stakin Bi-Weekly Newsletter Vol. 45


Mar 19, 2022

4 min read

Stakin Bi-Weekly Newsletter Vol. 45

Every other week, the Stakin team gets to it and endeavors to compel a list of the most exciting news in the Proof-of-Stake blockchain space. But before we dive into the market news, we’d like to update you on all things happening at the Stakinverse office.

  • The Stakin(g) Podcast Episode 4 with Staking Rewards!
  • Stakin Presents: Bi-Weekly Cosmos Twitter Spaces
  • ICON Lossless Lottery Discontinue Announcement
  • Stakin Kicks-Off Reward Program for Most Active Telegram Users

The Stakin(g) Podcast Episode 4 with Staking Rewards!

Stakin presents The Stakin(g) Podcast episode four, with non-other than Staking Rewards’ CEO and Co-Founder Mirko. Our monthly podcast teaches its listeners about the different Proof-of-Stake blockchain networks and projects in the space. In this episode, we had a chance to discuss the trends, the current state of the staking space, and more. Have a listen.

Stakin Presents: Bi-Weekly Cosmos Twitter Spaces

What else is new? In the last two weeks, we started a new Twitter Spaces concept discussing different Cosmos Networks, staking questions, and anything else the community requests. Our first episode, hosted by Cosmos Protocol Wizard, Robert, can be re-listened via this link. Upcoming Wednesday, the 23rd of March, we will be hosting the 2nd Twitter Spaces discussing Agoric Network.

ICON Lossless Lottery Discontinue Announcement

We would like to thank you for your encouragement and support in the ICON Community over the previous few years. We would not have been able to learn and grow as an ICON community member and independent staking validator operator without the help of our ICONists. We recognize that our community allows us to do what we do.

We have concluded, after careful deliberation, that we are unable to invest the necessary resources in continuing the development of the ICON Lossless Lottery platform, which is located on As a result, on May 1, 2022, we will discontinue the lottery. For more information, have a look at the full announcement.

Stakin Kicks-Off Reward Program for Most Active Telegram Users

We can announce the start of a new Telegram reward program for the most active users within our community with great pleasure. We’re using Chihuahua Community DAO to give users rewards for asking questions, providing support, and more. Rewards are paid in $HUAHUA tokens. Visit our Telegram community to get to know more.

The new Stakinverse office has been productive. Behind the scenes, our nodes are running smoothly, and we’re in constant contact with the networks to ensure the best uptimes possible. In the following weeks, we have some exciting news coming your way, but for now, let’s have a look at the market news. This week’s highlights:

  • deBridge Partners with 1Inch Network
  • IBC-Compatible EcoCredits Will Be Launched by Regen Ledger
  • Kava Announces Surge

deBridge Partners with 1Inch Network

On March 16th, deBridge announced its partnership with 1Inch Network, which will enable cross-chain swaps from any arbitrary asset to another in a single transaction. The network is the first cross-chain protocol to support the possibility. Thus, this is an excellent step towards future implementation and innovation within the community.  You can read the full announcement via the link below.

Any Arbitrary Cross-Chain Swaps with deBridge + 1inch Network
We’re thrilled to announce a partnership with 1inch Network that finally enables cross-chain swaps between any arbitrary asset.

IBC-Compatible EcoCredits Will Be Launched by Regen Ledger

RND has created a framework for fungible, IBC-compliant eco-tokens. Nature-based carbon credits back these basket tokens with provable ecological, social, and economic advantages that have been issued on the Regen Ledger blockchain. Basket tokens can be used as a carbon offset and retired on-chain by reversing them and withdrawing them in the Regen Ledger on-chain registry. Basket tokens can potentially be utilized as a decentralized finance collateral asset, fulfilling the growing demand for DAO treasuries, carbon trading, and NFT marketplaces. Read the whole meaning of this in the announcement here.

Kava Announces Surge

Kava announced the Surge program on January 7, 2022, to commemorate the successful launch of Kava 9 and the network's IBC integration. Surge events increase APYs for newly added IBC assets in Kava Lend and are now being applied to new liquidity pools in Kava Swap. As a result of the addition of new IBC asset pairs: $ATOM, $OSMO, $LUNA, $UST, and $AKT, liquidity providers in Kava Swap will have increased yield prospects. Read the full announcement here.

Finally, here’s an interesting thread from Patrick Hansen, Head of Strategy and Business Development at Unstoppable DeFi, about the latest European Crypto Regulation.

DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice. Staking, delegation, and cryptocurrencies involve a high degree of risk, and there is always the possibility of loss, including the failure of all staked digital assets. Additionally, delegators are at risk of slashing in case of security or liveness faults on some protocols. We advise you to do your due diligence before choosing a validator.


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