How to Stake SEI with Keplr Wallet



Mar 13, 2024

4 min read

How to Stake SEI with Keplr Wallet

This is a quick and easy guide to stake SEI tokens with Keplr wallet, via Yieldmos.

Keplr is an open-source web app, mobile application, and browser extension wallet that supports the Cosmos interchain ecosystem.

Yieldmos provides yield generation across the Cosmos ecosystem by identifying, composing, and packaging opportunities all in one accessible platform.

Step 1 - Stake your SEI tokens

Head to and click “Launch App.”

Next, locate and click on “Connect wallet.”

From the following pop-up window, select Keplr.

Another pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm that you wish to sign in to your Keplr wallet. Click “Approve.”

Return to Yieldmos app’s Home screen and click on the “Chains” tab if it is not already preloaded.

Next, select SEI from the full list of supported blockchains. Type “SEI” in the search box and then select SEI.

A new popup window will request your confirmation for adding SEI to your Keplr wallet. Click “Confirm.”

(you can fund your Keplr wallet with SEI tokens from a centralized exchange such as Coinbase or a decentralized exchange such as Osmosis Swap).

After successfully connecting your Keplr wallet and adding SEI, you will see the following screen. Click “Delegate SEI.”

Next, you need to choose a staking provider (a validator). Click on the "Add Validator" search box, then type “Stakin” to locate Stakin among the list of staking providers.

You are now ready to delegate your SEI tokens. Choose the amount of SEI you wish to stake and click “Delegate.”

Confirm the transaction in the new pop-up window:

You are now ready to delegate your SEI tokens. Choose the amount of SEI you wish to stake and click “Delegate.”

Confirm the transaction in the new pop-up window:

Voila! You have now staked your SEI tokens to Stakin, via Yieldmos.

If you wish to unstake your SEI tokens, click on the “Undelegate” button - make sure you spot it on the bottom left corner, as shown below:

The screen will remain identical; only the Delegate button on the bottom right will switch to “Undelegate.”

Insert the amount you wish to undelegate, and click on “Undelegate."

Voila - You have now undelegated your SEI tokens. Keep in mind that you will need to wait for 21 days for the unbonding period to complete before you see your SEI tokens back in your Keplr wallet.

Why stake your SEI tokens with Stakin?

  • You contribute to decentralization. By delegating to Stakin, you contribute to network decentralization by choosing a smaller validator. Stakin currently supports 20+ Cosmos networks and has participated in early Sei Testnet phases.
  • Our expertise. We have a strong expertise and track record of reliable operations on SEI. As a community contribution, Stakin further provides public RPC nodes and IBC Relayers connecting the IBC ecosystem of networks and is an active governance participant and voter on all key SEI proposals.

SEI staking for institutional investors

As an institutional-grade SEI node operator, Stakin has a full range of staking services and advantages to cater to the needs of enterprises and investors, such as asset managers, company treasuries, exchanges, VCs and hedge funds, wallets, custodians, and liquid staking services. 

  • Institutional grade SLAs with 99%+ uptime guarantees and slashing guarantees for both the validator and oracle operations
  • Integration with custodians, such as Anchorage, Bitgo and also Fireblocks (via raw signing)
  • A dedicated Account Manager to answer all your technical and commercial questions
  • Custom integrations and solutions such as custom performance reporting via API or CSV with the possibility to match your backend requirements
  • Whitelabel and dedicated nodes with dedicated infrastructure that can be deployed in your preferred region to fit decentralization or compliance needs
  • Automated commission and reward management with clear reporting
  • 24/7 monitoring and alerting with a private dashboard for dedicated and Whitelabel nodes
  • Free premium access to Stakin Dashboard, which includes staking data visualization across any validator, and premium historical data features (on selected networks)

If you are an institutional investor and wish to know more about our custom offering and assistance for SEI institutional investors, you can contact us via our dedicated SEI staking page.

More information & Sources

DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice. Staking and cryptocurrency investment involve a certain degree of risk, and there is always the possibility of loss, including the loss of all staked digital assets. Additionally, delegators are at risk of slashing in case of security or liveness faults on some PoS protocols. We advise you to DYOR before choosing a validator.

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