Hey ICONists, 🖖
On today’s article, we will introduce you to the ICON Europe community and what’s the goal behind this initiative. An AMA will be hosted on Wednesday 5th of September at 3:30pm UTC, join our Telegram group to keep up with the updates and receive the link to join it: https://t.me/IconEurope
What is Icon Europe Community?
Co-founded by block42 & POS Bakerz, ICON Europe is an independent initiative consisting of a group of European ICONists with the end goal to strengthen the ICON community in Europe. For now, the initiative enrolled 4 other members such as Everstake, New Road Capital, Blockmove & Piconbello. It is our goal to onboard all European P-Reps and Sub P-Reps.
It is important to mention that each P-Rep stays independent! But we will focus on each P-Rep member a bit later.
The ambition behind this initiative is to unite all European P-Reps in one community and to spread the word about ICON in this region.
“Alone, I go faster; together, we go further.”
Blockchain is all about decentralization. The ICON network can only reach its full potential if the community, but also the P-Reps, are globally distributed. We will balance this distribution by unifying all European P-Reps. All European ICONists will have a voice!
What is it about?
This initiative has three ultimate goals :
- Spread the word about ICON in Europe
- Maximize ICONs global decentralization
- Empower people to build by launching or supporting at least 6 dApps per year, built by European ICONists
The plan is to make this possible thanks to 6 principal points,
Decentralized Treasury: Each ICON Europe P-Rep donates 15%* of its rewards to a decentralized treasury. Distributions are done via a DAO.
(*The exact number can change and will be decided by a joint vote)
Projects, teams, initiatives can create proposals and apply for a certain reason to receive funding from this treasury system. With a DAO, all members (whitelist) can vote for each proposal. If the proposal receives enough positive votes the funds will be distributed.
Valuable Ressources: provide valuable documentation and tutorials in common European languages like e.g. German, French, Dutch or Spanish.
Unite European P’Rep: ICON Europe is an initiative which unites all European P-Reps, so we can represent Europe in a better way.
Organize events: Our community organizes meetups all around Europe with various resources provided by ICON Europe.
Community Polls: We do on-demand polls to give the European ICON community a voice. We base our governance on the poll outcomes.
Connect ICONist: As the European P-Reps are located all over Europe, we establish cross-border connections. This will benefit all of our members.
Let’s take a look at the roadmap plan for this initiative. The 1st step will be to onboard first European P-Reps and define joint goals and joint activities as the main idea will be to collaborate for more visibility in Europe.
In Q4, then we plan to organize 3 ICON meetups and initiate the ICON Europe DAO.
If everything goes well, we will also fund the 1st Dapp in Q4, if not at the start of Q1 2020.
One of the other goals will be to grow our Telegram group where all of you can participate in conversations and submit ideas!
Block42: A blockchain company founded to get out the best of blockchain technology for everyone and to improve the world by a more secure and transparent technology. block42 unites comprehensive experience about blockchain technology. Next to blockchain consulting and developing services block42 has established an investing firm, solely focused on investing in decentralized ecosystems.
POS Bakerz: A Staking-as-a-Service provider with expertise in secure validation for Proof-of-Stake blockchains. Based in London with a team spread across Europe, the company operates fully redundant servers with a mix of colocation and cloud. Through its architecture, it maintains blockchains secure and decentralized, enabling its clients to delegate tokens and earn interest on their holdings, without any custody on their funds. Incubated at The Family and part of the Digital Ocean Hatch program.
BlockMove: A nonprofit organization dedicated to fulfilling the ICON’s vision, stimulate its growth via Europe focused activities, take part in governance and long term development of ICON in cooperation with other P-Reps and network participants.
NewRoad Capital: Newroad is a young company and provides multiple, highly secure delegation services on different blockchain networks. Based in the Netherlands, they are excited to support businesses and help them scale to enterprise requirements as the blockchain space grows.
Check NewRoad Capital proposal
Everstake: A staking service platform that helps institutional investors and token holders to profit off their digital assets.
Piconbello: Aims to integrate community to every step of development for ICON network. With various events and funding of various projects, Piconbello aims to greatly increase the functionality and usability of the network by making the network being shaped by you: the community.
ICON Sweden: ICON Sweden is founded by swedencornet and has experience validating on other PoS chains. They support & strive for Decentralized Community-backed Blocks Production, interconnecting Blockchains, and Global Communities.
How to join?
Generally, every ICON P-Rep and Sub P-Rep can join the initiative ICON Europe. Simply go in the Icon Europe website and apply there, by filling the different info. As a European ICONist you can simply join our telegram group. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Get to know more about ICON
- How to stake and vote in ICON
- ICON Website
- ICON Europe Website
- The Iconist (dedicated media about ICON and its ecosystem)
- Github
- ICON Official Telegram Channel
- ICON European Community Telegram
DISCLAIMER: Staking and cryptocurrencies investment involves a high degree of risk and there is always the possibility of loss, including the loss of all staked digital assets. Additionally, delegators are at risk of slashing in case of security or liveness faults on some PoS protocols. We advise you to DYOR before choosing a validator.