Regen Network

Regen Network

Market cap$4,568,070.00
Est. APR23.51%Fee 10.00%


Regen Network is a distributed ledger for agricultural and ecological assets. The Regen blockchain can record and verify claims, agreements, and environmental data. Built using Tendermint and the Cosmos SDK, Regen Network is an efficient and low-consumption decentralized Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain. By owning and staking REGEN, the native asset of the Regen Network, you contribute to network security, governance, and decentralization. REGEN puts a strong focus on community, and staking makes you an essential stakeholder in this blockchain dedicated to building a more sustainable world. In addition to participating in decentralized governance, REGEN stakers earn a yield in newly minted cryptocurrencies.

Why stake with us?

• Ranked top 10 for our participation in Regen test networks. • Validator since Testnet 1001, which started in June 2019, contributed to testing key features, including IBC, CosmWasm contracts, and Cosmovisor. • Stakin supports 20+ Cosmos networks and is dedicated to the development of the ecosystem. • As a community contribution, Stakin provides public RPC nodes and IBC Relayers connecting the IBC ecosystem of networks together. • Stakin has integrated with Regen eco credits for its carbon compensation program. • Active governance participant and voter on all key proposals.

Looking to stake more than 100,000 REGEN?

Get in touch with us to learn more about our offerings.

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