Stakin Newsbites


Nov 30, 2022

5 min read

Stakin Newsbites

November has ended, and we can all state that it has been nothing short of eventful. So, without further ado, let’s dive right into it.

Stakin Dashboard Updates

Stakin recently launched the Stakin Dashboard. With the launch of the dashboard, we aim to provide users with a single, unified location where they can view their entire staking portfolio across multiple networks and easily monitor their rewards. The dashboard provides information about your Proof-of-Stake investments and APY performance. It also monitors the current trading price of your assets. The Stakin dashboard displays staking data for multiple networks in a single view. As illustrated below, we’ve added some amazing new features this month, including the balance chart.

Stakin Tech Updates

Some exciting news for the holders of LINK; Chainlink Staking v0.1 is launching this December! We’re excited to be a node operator for Chainlink Network to help steer toward a new era of sustainable growth and security for the community. Staking allows Chainlink ecosystem participants to earn rewards for increasing the security guarantees and user assurances of Oracle services by backing them with staked LINK tokens. Chainlink Staking v0.1 will support the staking of LINK on the Ethereum Mainnet. For further information, we refer to the official Chainlink blog.

Moreover, Akash v0.18.0 was integrated over the last month. This software upgrade for Akash introduces support for IP leases on the Akash marketplace, initial phases of splitting provider services into microservices, and code changes to support Cosmos Inter Chain Accounts (ICA) and IBC3.

Stakin Joins Regen Network Cosmos ZERO Initiative

On November 16th, the Regen Network introduced its new green initiative, Cosmos ZERO. Led by the Interchain Foundation and Regen Network, this new initiative aims to make the Cosmos ecosystem carbon-neutral. Cosmos protocols and validators are called on to take accountability for their carbon footprint and achieve net-zero carbon emissions for their network validator node infrastructure and operations. As Stakin is already carbon-neutral, we’re thrilled to say that we will be leading the initiative for multiple cosmos-based networks. For more information, have a look at the announcement below.

Cosmos ZERO: A Cosmos Ecosystem Carbon Neutral Quest
Protocols and validators are invited on a climate impact quest to make Cosmos a carbon-neutral blockchain ecosystem

Citizen Cosmos Lisbon Special

Recently, our CEO Edouard Lavidalla and Community Wizard Andres Freeman sat down with the team of Citizen Cosmos, Frens Validator, and Chorus One. The recording took place during Lisbon blockchain week 2022, have a listen.

Lisbon blockchain week special, part 2, Felix Lutsch, Andres, Edouard Lavidalle & Juri Maibaum, motivation, money & values
This episode of the #citizencosmos podcast features Felix Lutsch from Chorus one, Andres & Edouard Lavidalle from Stakin & Juri Maibaum from Frens validator and Cosmoverse

Stakin Participates in Cosmos’ Game of Chains

Phase 2 of Game of Chains has been finalized on November 25th, 2022, is a great time to talk more about our participation in the Game. In a nutshell, Game of chains is a testnet dedicated to testing interchain security. In the initial phases of the testnet, the coordinators created proposals to launch consumer chains. Phase 3 has started and will be more permissionless, and individual participants are now encouraged to submit proposals to establish consumer chains themselves. Validators participating in the testnet are running six consumer chains that consume security from the main provider chain. To keep track, have a look at the official leaderboard.

Stakin Interviews Juno-Based NFT Game Ahead of Launch

For the Stakin Podcast, Cosmos Community Wizard Robert Del Rey sat with the Kelepar team to talk about NFTs and gaming within the cosmos ecosystem. The Juno-based NFT game launched recently, and to learn all about it, have a listen below.

Stakin Fee Increase

As previously mentioned, Stakin will be increasing the fees for Mina and Kava to 5% starting on the 1st of December 2022. Furthermore, after careful consideration, Stakin has decided to increase the fees for some of the Cosmos networks we operate on from the 1st of January, 2023. Staking fees enable us to maintain a reliable and secure infrastructure and ensure long-term sustainability. Following our transparency policy, we must let our delegators and community know at least one month before such changes. For E-Money, Akash, Sentinel, Comdex, and Gravity Bridge, we will be increasing the fee to 10%. For Desmos Network, we will be increasing the fee to 20%. We'd like to thank all our delegators for their support, and  we're looking forward to 2023.

Persistence Governance Proposal

On the 6th of Nov, the Persistence Core-1 chain halted due to an appHash mismatch caused by differing Golang versions used by the validators. The team and the validators responded promptly to resolve the issues. However, unfortunately during the chain revival, some validators got tombstoned. Following these events, Stakin created an on-chain governance proposal for the network proposing untombstoning with unslashing. Detailing the following:

  • Delegators’ funds that got slashed (5%) get reinstated;
  • delegators don’t have to redelegate or unbond their remaining stake;
  • affected validators can get back into the active set;
  • this action requires a chain upgrade.

We’d like to thank everyone who voted on the proposal for their support, and we’re glad to announce that the governance proposal has passed.

Stakin and Stader Validator Collaboration

Stakin is pleased to announce a unique and first-of-its-kind partnership with Stader, a smart contract-based liquid staking platform for multiple Proof-of-Stake networks, including NEAR. With this partnership, users can get NearX by staking exclusively with Stakin on the Stader platform. NearX users and NEAR Stakin delegators can hence benefit from both liquid staking and the reliability of Stakin’s validator services on NEAR.

Stakin delegators can now utilize the liquid staking solution NearX while simultaneously being able to keep relying on Stakin’s proven uptime and secure infrastructure solutions. For more information, have a look at the full announcement.

Stakin and Stader - Exclusive Validator Partnership
Stakin is pleased to announce a unique and first-of-its-kind partnership with Stader.

DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice. Staking, delegation, and cryptocurrencies involve a high degree of risk, and there is always the possibility of loss, including the failure of all staked digital assets. Additionally, delegators are at risk of slashing in case of security or liveness faults on some protocols. We advise you to do your due diligence before choosing a validator or interacting with blockchain networks and smart contracts.

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