This is a quick and easy guide on staking Router Protocol ROUTE with Keplr Wallet.
The Router Protocol is a Layer-1 Proof-of-Stake blockchain that leverages Tendermint’s Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus engine. The Router chain is built using the Cosmos SDK, so it benefits from key features offered by the Cosmos stack, including fast 3-second block times, robust security mechanisms, and, most importantly, CosmWasm.
Keplr is an open-source web app, mobile application, and browser extension wallet that supports Router Protocol.
Step 1 - Add ROUTE to Keplr wallet
Ensure you are logged in to your Keplr wallet (this assumes you already have a Keplr wallet account. If you don't have a Keplr wallet account yet, you can download Keplr wallet from and then follow this quick and easy tutorial on how to set up your Keplr wallet account).
- Open your wallet and search for "router" and click Manage

- Then select Router and click Save

ROUTE has now been added to your wallet. If you search for ROUTE you should be able to see it in the list of supported assets.
Step 2 - Top up your Keplr wallet with ROUTE tokens
Now you need to send some ROUTE tokens to your Keplr wallet.
- Click the Keplr wallet browser extension icon, which will take you to Keplr’s dashboard page.
- Type "router" in the Search textbox, then click on ROUTE
- Copy your Router wallet address and use it to transfer ROUTE tokens to your Keplr wallet account from a centralized or decentralized exchange of your choosing.

Step 3 - Stake your ROUTE tokens
- On the same page where you can see your ROUTE balance in Keplr wallet, you can click on Start Staking or head directly to
- Connect your Keplr wallet

- Choose a validator of your choice. You can also search for your preferred validator. You can see the performance of Stakin Router validator here

- Enter the amount you wish to delegate and click Confirm Delegate. You will also need to confirm the transaction in your Keplr wallet.

Congratulations, you have now staked your ROUTE tokens with Stakin!
You can check your delegations with Stakin here
DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice. Staking and cryptocurrency investment involve a certain degree of risk, and there is always the possibility of loss, including the loss of all staked digital assets. Additionally, delegators are at risk of slashing in case of security or liveness faults on some Proof-of-Stake protocols. We advise you to conduct your own due diligence before choosing a validator.